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Why Signing-Up To Our Free Membership Scheme Is The Best Thing You’ll Do Today

What is your appetite for risk? I don’t know about you but I like a stress free life, without worry and it means I can sleep well at night.

Every day we actively assess our risk and adapt to reduce our risk, when crossing the road, when leaving the house, when riding a bike, when chatting to a dog (or human!), when spending money… and risk management plays a more significant part in business because every action can be the tipping point of success or failure. Yet when we use technology we either fail to recognise where there is risk or we do not know how to address the risk, which leaves us exposed to cyber-attacks. The survival of a business towards a cyber-attack depends on how resilient the business is.

In becoming a Community Member (the Cyber Resilience Centre for London’s free membership scheme) we will demystify the technical landscape and streamline the web of online information so that you have resources you can trust and actually understand, right at your fingertips. We will show you how to implement our guidance, every step of the way, in as much or as little detail as you need.

Dip in and out of the hub for tools, training and information. Follow our Getting the Basics Right programme for monthly actions that gives every Community Member a basic level of security that reduces their risk of attack. Binge watch videos. Absorb information from our leaflets. Get stuck into a good blog. Plaster our short, snappy infographics on the walls of your office, as motivational reminders of why you need to strengthen your resilience and how you are going to achieve resilience.

We are a jargon free zone but if we get carried away in our technicalities then we invite you to point this out to us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will update our content where possible. Otherwise, you can find the term in our Understanding Technical Language Glossary.

Get to know the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) and how they support U.K. businesses- we have pinpointed to some of the most relevant content for small and medium sized businesses and third sector organisations.

Find free Global Cyber Alliance toolboxes that direct you to the products and services you need to complete the task at hand and get that rewarding DIY feeling.

No business is too small to receive free training from ourselves and the police- available through the hub. Perhaps gather your community together and book a free cyber escape room? Or treat these training exercises as team building, bringing you and your team closer together whilst uniting to protect your business from cyber threats.

Our partnership with the police also means we can bring you updates on the current threat landscape, highlight how businesses are at risk and even concentrate on the areas which are most affected, putting into perspective the reality of cybercrime. Our guidance will reflect the trends to reduce your chances of falling victim.

Book a one-to-one mentoring session and talk to an actual human about your current resilience posture and where you need to improve. Even if you consider yourself tech-savvy and doing all the right things, why not develop your skills further and discover more of what can be done to protect your business? For example, have you heard of DMARC, which prevents fraudsters from copying your email address?

Finally, we partner with industry experts who offer products, services and events to even the smallest of businesses, so that everyone receives affordable help. As a Community Member, you are even entitled to discounted rates!

You can make use of all these resources at a time that suits you but just remember, the longer you delay strengthening your resilience, the more likely you are to become a victim of cybercrime.

So why not sign yourself up as a Community Member today to get a good night’s rest in the knowledge that you have done all you can to reduce your risk? And why not look out for your business neighbour by recommending they do the same?

Prevent the majority of cybercrime with best practices, be ready to face a cyber-attack when it hits and know how to recover with little damage.

The Hub is always changing and updating with fresh new resources, content and opportunities. Please do take part in our anonymous surveys, so we can find ways to further help you and your community.

Our “How can we help” form is now live and can be found here:

Written by:
Hannah Khoo
07 November 2023