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The Cyber Resilience Centre for London
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Stay informed with the latest updates from the Cyber Resilience Centre for London and keep on top of all developments in cyber crime.

Thursday 04 May 2023

Tierney Kimmins-McLoughlin

Our Community Outreach programme sees us taking cyber to the high street with visits from our team directly to businesses’ doorsteps, and so far, we’ve made incredible progress, averaging around 300 businesses visited per month in the first quarter of 2023.

Thursday 27 April 2023

Claire Evans

This electric opinion piece from our Researcher, Claire Evans, takes a look at the world's best-known AI (Artificial Intelligence) iteration, ChatGPT, and how it will impact cybercrime in the future.

How AI is impacting our ability to fight cybercrime

Thursday 20 April 2023

Tom Lejava

It’s all too common these days to think we can simply buy a one-size-fits-all solution and then forget about the problem we were trying to solve. And there is probably no situation where this applies more than when it comes to IT security. For many organisations today the extent of IT security is ticking the ‘antivirus’ box and then feeling quietly smug. Until someone in the team accidentally downloads some malware or hackers manage to access systems and install ransomware. And then suddenly, the deficiency of relying on antivirus alone becomes painfully clear. If you don’t want to end up in this unenviable position then read on.

Wednesday 17 April 2024

Tierney Kimmins-McLoughlin

Our mission at the Cyber Resilience Centre for London is to support the City’s small business community to develop better cyber resilience, helping to protect our national economy. You might have heard about Cyber Essentials, but you may not be sure about what it means or how it can help you. 

We sat down with one of our Cyber Essentials Partners Baseel to find out everything you need to know about the Cyber Essentials Certification scheme – why your organisation needs it and how you can achieve this. 

Wednesday 12 April 2023

Tom Lejava

Data breaches have become a regular part of life today - but not just for the big brands and corporates. The risk is as great for SMEs thanks to the vast treasure trove of data that lies within each enterprise. Security measures are vital for ensuring that your network and systems are protected - enabling two-factor authentication is especially important, as it’s one of the best ways to protect your business. So, why does it matter?

Wednesday 12 April 2023

Tierney Kimmins-McLoughlin

Tuesday 7th February 2023 marks Safer Internet Day, an initiative celebrated around the globe focused on uniting web users in the hopes of a better internet for everyone. This year’s theme is “Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online”, dedicating a day to amplifying the voices of children and young people on a topic that will continue to be relevant to them for their whole lives.  

Wednesday 12 April 2023

Tom Lejava

Managing user privileges is a key part of keeping your business safe from cyber-attacks and ensuring that you have the best possible security for sensitive information. And yet, so many organisations don’t have a clear approach when it comes to minimising risk in this way. The more users with elevated privileges, the higher the risk to the business - especially if those accounts aren’t properly monitored or the privileges are not necessarily required.

Wednesday 12 April 2023

Tom Lejava

The Internet of Things (IoT) is essentially an ecosystem of connected devices, mechanical digital machines objects - and other things - all of which have unique identifiers. What makes the IoT so unique is that it enables the transfer of data over a network without the need for any interaction, whether that is between humans or between computer and human. That could be anything, from a sensor to a heart monitor. It is truly revolutionary but how could the IoT benefit your small business?

Monday 06 February 2023

Tierney Kimmins-McLoughlin

The Cyber Resilience Centre for London are pleased to announce the latest addition to the Friends of the CRC for London network. This initiative brings together a wide range of organisations, including Business Improvement Districts, non-profits, and other business service providers, who are all united by a desire to support the joined-up approach necessary to tackle cybercrime in the business community.

Wednesday 12 April 2023

Tom Lejava

It’s beginning to feel like there is a new data leak, ransomware incident or security breach pretty much every day at the moment. And there is no doubt that these threats continue to increase and become more sophisticated. However, there are simple steps that most businesses can take to protect themselves against cyber attacks and security breaches and one of the easiest is implementing best practices for password security.

Wednesday 12 April 2023

Tom Lejava

Cyber attacks may cause havoc for your business. It can mean operations grind to a halt and there may be significant financial loss and reputational damage. The threat of a cyber attack is so high for every enterprise today that it’s vital to understand what happens during an attack so that your business can take steps to protect itself.

Wednesday 12 April 2023

Tom Lejava

Software updates can seem like an irritant but they have an important purpose when it comes to keeping your business safe. It’s often tempting to try and deal with updating software later but doing that means that it can become a task that gets forgotten. And if your software updates aren’t current, then this can create a whole range of problems for your business, as well as meaning you miss out on opportunities to grow.

Tuesday 07 November 2023

Stacey Cox

On Tuesday 25th October, we had the great privilege of formally launching our new Cyber Resilience Centre for London at City Hall to an audience of supporters drawn from policing, industry and academia.

Tuesday 07 November 2023

Simon Newman

This month, the Cyber Resilience Centre for London was launched, joining a network of other Centres around the country to make the UK one of the safest places to do business online. In the first of a series of regular blogs, we’re going to start by answering a question we often get asked about our name - why ‘Cyber Resilience’ as opposed to ‘Cyber Security’?

Tuesday 07 November 2023

Simon Newman

The growth of technology has opened up new ways of working, new markets and new opportunities for businesses of all sizes. From being able to sell products or services online, to improving engagement with customers, technology has an important role to play in the growth of British businesses. But it is not without risk. Criminals have also been quick to identify and exploit the opportunities provided by new technology with cyber-crime and fraud now accounting for over half of all crime in England and Wales.

Tuesday 07 November 2023

Simon Newman

Buying a house or flat is probably the biggest investment most of us will ever make. Before we pick up the keys however, we’ll have spent hours of research about the area we want to live in and the type of property available within our budget. We’ll also probably view dozens of properties before we finally find the home of our dreams.

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  • NCSC Small Business Guide
  • NCSC Exercise in a Box
  • NCSC Board Toolkit
  • NCSC Weekly Threat Report
  • Other relevant NCSC Guidance